Life & Relationships

Despite being hounded by critics, woman embraces identity as a dog

A young woman wants to be man’s best friend.

Instead of jumping on the spectrum of gender identity, Meow Dalyn decided to abandon her status as a human and instead identify as a dog.

Despite being hounded by critics suggesting she’s “psychotic,” the woman says she’s firm in her decision of “being the dog,” and in “the moment of just chasing the ball.” Keep reading to learn about Meow Dalyn and the men she calls her “handlers.”

In a dog-eat-dog environment where identity is paramount to self-expression, one woman has decided to divert from everything human by identifying as a different species.

Meow Dalyn has faux dog ears, a furry wagging tail, fangs and wears a collar.

Speaking on The Kyle and Jackie O Show, Meow Dalyn, who refers to herself as “dog girl” and “e-puppy,” explains she’s fully immersed in life as a dog, a dalmatian to be precise.

“My name is Meow like a cat, but I am a dog,” she tells Kyle Sandilands and Jackie O, the hosts of the Australian radio show.

“Why did you call yourself Meow then?” Jackie O asks of the human-dog crossbreed.

Responding to the question we likely all have, Meow answers, “It’s kind of like whenever you have a really small dog, like a Chihuahua and you name it Hercules.”

Like other domestic dogs, Meow is needs humans to give her treats, take her outside to go potty and a team of three “handlers” to train her.

“I have handlers. [They’re] kind of like dog trainers…” the human pooch explained when asked about a boyfriend. “They feed me, they take me on walks, we practice training, which is one of my favorite things, because I get treats.”

Her handlers feed her puppy palate with treats like shredded chicken, biscuits, and jerky.

The cosplayer also claims her meals are made with actual dog food, elevated with human ingredients to make “bland” food more appetizing.

And, unlike most puppy training programs, Meow’s trainers come at no cost.

“It’s funny I don’t have to pay anyone to spend time with me,” she says, explaining she doesn’t share a sexual relationship with the handlers, who are instead friends who also want to engage in puppy play.

“The dog side of me is an everyday lifestyle,” she explained. “So I find myself not needing that in the bedroom at all.”

Release the hound

Calling it lycanthropy, a transformation of a person into a wolf, Meow shares that her pooch-like behaviors include playing fetch, chewing on bones and sleeping in a dog crate.

“I have pastel blankets and pastel pillows in there,” Meow says of the dog cage she sleeps in every night. “Something about being in a confined space, I don’t know if it makes me feel safe from the world or makes me feel like the world is safe from me, but it feels comfort for sure!”

The comfort, she explains, is in part due to her becoming an independent adult and having the ability to make her own choices.

“The wonder that comes with play and just being enchanted with life around you is a beautiful thing,” she said. “I figured that once I make my own money and pay my own rent, then I can extra do anything I want – and I wanted to be a dog!”

Dog’s play

The woman, who plays the pooch publicly on social media, is constantly hounded by the online community for embracing her inner dog.

“No limits to human stupidity,” shares one netizen. “What you are is from an insane asylum,” another snipes.

A third remarks: “There was a time when this type of behavior would be considered psychotic, and she’d be put in to a medical facility.”

But Meow says she ignores the hate and focuses on what makes her happy.

“I don’t find myself focusing on other people and their reactions toward me because I’m so in the moment of just chasing the ball, being the dog. I want to sit and perform for whoever is my focus,” she says.

And the cyber fans in her focus are the ones patting her with praise.

“You are very adorable and the best content creator,” shares one fan while another writes, “So cuteeeeee might just adopt you.”

A third inspired by her outfit, pens, “Meow [you’re] so cute! Where’s your collar from if you don’t [mind] me asking, it’s so cute and I want one of my own like yours.”

What do you think of Meow identifying as a dog? Please let us know your thoughts in the comments section and then share this story so we can hear what others have to say about this bizarre story!

“Understanding Insurance: 5 Essential Types You Need for Financial Security”

Introduction: Insurance is a crucial component of financial planning that provides protection against unexpected events. It can safeguard your health, property, and even your loved ones’ financial futures. However, navigating the various types of insurance can be overwhelming. In this article, we’ll explore five essential types of insurance you should consider to ensure financial security and peace of mind.

1. Health Insurance

Health insurance is one of the most important types of insurance, protecting you from high medical costs. With rising healthcare expenses, having a health insurance policy can save you from financial strain in case of illness or injury.

Key Considerations:

  • Types of Plans: Familiarize yourself with the different types of health insurance plans, such as HMOs, PPOs, and EPOs, to find the best fit for your needs.
  • Coverage Details: Review what each plan covers, including hospital stays, medications, preventive care, and specialist visits.

2. Life Insurance

Life insurance provides financial protection to your beneficiaries in the event of your death. It ensures that your loved ones are taken care of financially, covering expenses like mortgages, education, and daily living costs.

Types of Life Insurance:

  • Term Life Insurance: Provides coverage for a specific period, typically 10-30 years, at a lower cost.
  • Whole Life Insurance: Offers lifelong coverage with a cash value component that grows over time.

3. Auto Insurance

Auto insurance is essential for anyone who owns a vehicle. It protects you against financial loss in case of accidents, theft, or damage to your car. Additionally, most states require a minimum level of auto insurance coverage.

Coverage Options:

  • Liability Coverage: Covers damages to others if you are at fault in an accident.
  • Collision and Comprehensive Coverage: Covers damage to your own vehicle, whether from an accident or non-collision events like theft or natural disasters.

4. Homeowners or Renters Insurance

Whether you own or rent your home, insurance is vital for protecting your property and belongings. Homeowners insurance covers the structure of your home and your personal belongings, while renters insurance protects your personal property in a rented space.

Coverage Insights:

  • Liability Protection: Both homeowners and renters insurance often include liability coverage, which protects you if someone is injured on your property.
  • Additional Living Expenses: In case your home becomes uninhabitable due to a covered event, these policies often cover temporary housing costs.

5. Disability Insurance

Disability insurance protects your income if you become unable to work due to illness or injury. This type of insurance can be a lifesaver, ensuring you have financial support during tough times.

Types of Disability Insurance:

  • Short-Term Disability: Provides benefits for a limited period, usually a few months, after a qualifying event.
  • Long-Term Disability: Offers benefits for an extended period, potentially until retirement, depending on the policy.

Conclusion: Understanding and securing the right types of insurance is essential for protecting your financial well-being. From health and life insurance to auto and homeowners coverage, each type serves a unique purpose in safeguarding against life’s uncertainties. By taking the time to assess your needs and choose the appropriate policies, you can achieve peace of mind and financial security for yourself and your loved ones.


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